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NanoH₂O wins Global Water World’s Innovation of the Year Award (Global Water Intelligence)

April 22, 2008

Global Water Awards 2008

Winner: Nanocomposite membranes (NanoH₂O)

What is it?
A membrane that uses nanotechnology to separate pure water from seawater at a lower energy cost than existing reverse osmosis membranes. NanoH₂O’s next generation reverse osmosis membranes are thin-film composite (TFC) membranes that contain nano-structured material. Their enhanced permeability should enable dramatic improvements to be made in the process economics of seawater reverse osmosis. NNanoH₂O claims that at 2x permeability, their TFN (thin-film nanocomposite) membranes should enable 10-15% to be shaved off the cost of producing potable grade water. The company aims to have its first commercial product available within 18-24 months, and will conduct further research into fouling resistance starting later this year. Research into the application of the technology in brackish water and fresh water scenarios is planned to follow from 2009, making the product suitable for a variety of desalination and water reuse applications.

Judges’ Verdict: A major step forward in the core reverse osmosis process.