“LG Water Solutions hits global number one in seawater RO desalination”
LG Water Solutions has hit another milestone on the remarkable trajectory of its LG NanoH2O™ membrane elements, which are now the global number one seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) technology.
In the last three years alone, the company has been selected for large-scale seawater desalination plants with an accumulated contracted capacity of 4,000 million liters per day (MLD).
The equivalent of desalinating 50 Olympic swimming pools per hour, it sets LG Water Solutions as the most preferred technology in the SWRO market worldwide.
Martin You, Senior Global Marketing Manager at LG Water Solutions, said: “Our latest milestone is the result of being awarded numerous prominent large-scale SWRO projects around the globe within a very short period of time. Because we are able to deliver innovative membrane solutions for some of the world’s most challenging applications, we are in a very strong position to now retain our position as industry leader for many years to come.”
Having grown more than 1,340% in contracted SWRO capacity since 2016, the company’s exponential growth included the Al Khobar II project in Saudi Arabia in 2020. At more than 600 million liters per day production capacity, it represents the largest single project win in LG Chem’s history.
Other notable contract wins in the last two years include:
• Oman: 400 MLD, awarded in 2021
• Befesa II, China: 105 MLD, awarded in 2020
• Al Jubail II, Saudi Arabia: 404 MLD, awarded in 2020
• Al Arish I, Egypt: 100 MLD, awarded in 2020
• Shuqaiq 3, Saudi Arabia: 450 MLD, awarded in 2020

Differentiated by its thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) technology, LG Water Solutions provides seawater RO membranes with industry-leading 99.89% salt rejection. Compared with the membranes produced from conventional polyamide membrane technology, LG NanoH2O™ membranes can improve water quality by 45%.
Awarded a Distinction in the 2018 Water Technology Company of the Year at the Global Water Awards, LG Water Solutions was lauded as the “first technical innovation since the thin-film composite membrane was developed almost 30 years ago.”
Learn more about how to optimize your reverse osmosis system performance and reduce costs at LGWaterSolutions.com.
Note to the editor
To learn more about LG Chem, its NanoH2O™membrane, or to arrange an interview, contact:
Martin You, Senior Global Marketing Manager
+1 (424) 352 5042
About LG Chem / Water Solutions
LG Chem manufactures NanoH2O™ seawater and brackish water reverse osmosis (RO) membrane elements, based on the ground-breaking Thin-Film Nanocomposite (TFN) technology. TFN technology improves membrane performance by embedding benign nanoparticles on the membrane surface and increases flux by 20% without compromising salt rejection.