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Reclaiming Clean Water from Optoelectronics Manufacturing Wastewater

October 8, 2021
Case Study

Due to recent droughts in Taiwan, the government began enforcing water conservation policies to regulate water intensive
industrial end-users to reuse 70–85% of their wastewater. To comply and remain commercially viable, global optoelectronic company in Taiwan (TFT-LCD panel production) implemented a zero liquid discharge (ZLD) process to maximize water recovery. Using an advanced MBR-RO-EDR* membrane treatment system, the company has successfully recycled an average of 91% of its process water in recent years.

System Information
The wastewater influent is a mixture of waste streams collected from various stages of the panel production line. The water quality, as a result, is a complex makeup of contaminants (Table 1) and creates a challenging scenario for treatment. However, once the MBR reduces suspended solid levels, the RO and EDR ensure ultrapure water quality for reuse.

Table 1: Feed Water Makeup
ItemFeed water range
BOD200–400 mg/L
COD600–1,000 mg/L
Total Nitrogen (TN)30–50 mg/L
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)50–200 mg/L
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)750–1,500 mg/L

LG BW 400 R G2, LG Chem’s highest rejection brackish water membrane with the new L feed spacer for reducing
differential pressure, was selected as part of the optoelectronic company’s technology procurement strategy
to deliver long-term stable production of high-quality permeate with minimal fouling, cleaning requirements, and
energy consumption. The operating conditions are listed in Table 2.

Table 2: System Information
RO feed waterMBR treated effluent
RO system3 trains with 12:8 system array (4M)
System recovery75–78%
System capacity2,880 m3/d
Feed temperature25–30 C
Feed pressure7–9 bar

Membrane Performance
Compared to the alternative RO (non-TFN membrane) product operated at the plant, NanoH₂O™ membranes showed better and more reliable normalized permeate flow (Figure 1) and salt passage (Figure 2). Furthermore, NanoH₂O™ membranes required more than half fewer cleaning frequencies versus the non-TFN membrane, leading to notable savings in labor, chemical use, and plant downtime (Figure 1). Despite the complex ionic species composition of the wastewater, NanoH₂O™ membranes achieved high-quality permeate requirements for reuse (Table 3). LG BW 400 R G2 is a robust RO membrane element that helped lower the O&M costs of the wastewater recycling facility and realize the water conservation goals of the optoelectronic company.

Table 3: Water Quality Analysis
ItemUnitFeedPermeateRejection (%)
CO3mg CaCO3/L<1.0<1.0
HCO3mg CaCO3/L93.04.095.7
TOCmg C/L5.1<0.5>90.2